Monday, 14 July 2014

Pusat Persediaan Sains dan Teknologi (Asasi Sains) UMS

ahhh its been a while.. lately, I have been SUPER busy with Uni life (mehhhh).
So, I wanna talk about ASASI SAINS UMS! weee~~


Dewan Canselor, tempat orentasi


why foundation in Uni?  uols boleh biasakan diri dengan kehidupan university.. Nanti sambung degree nanti xdalah uols kejutan budaya kan? lebih baik kejutan budaya awal-awal.. nanti study masa degree, kejutan budaya... NAHH! parahhh tu! When I got into degree studies, non-foundation student really have hard time adjusting to university environment. Especially cara approach lecturers dan buat assignment. Maybe its just my bad luck, but I teamed up with some people who did their group assignment very bad and I ended up getting very low marks.

Yg paling best pasal asasi ni, banyak field trip dan aktiviti luar... Boleh join macam2 program! Volunteer Astro Kasih, Iftar with Chief Minister, Dinner dgn PM Najib n wife, Dinner dgn Tuan yg Terutama Sabah.. Not only foundation punya activities you can join, the degree student punya activities also can join. Theres a lot of events UMS offers such as Korea Karnival, Bon Odori, Debate competition, Video competition and Talent competition.

lagi satu, lecturer, staff dan senior semua best! friendly sangat! walaupun tegas, tapi diorang ni sangat baik tau. Seriously, I will never succeed in life without the aid from my foundation lecturers, tutors and lab assistants. They are very helpful


Tidak lupa juga, free wifi.. setiap blok ada free wifi! fuuuhhhhh. setiap hari abuse wifi..
tapi yg tak best nya. cuti midsem dgn sem break 1 minggu :( mana puas!!
hidup dekat asasi, kalau slow learner, sorry lah ye. kena tangkap laju sikit. masa masuk tu belum rasa. start je week 2 of study.. naah. assigment, report, presentation mencurah curah seperti kokokranch melimpah ke ladang gandum..

asasi sains UMS ada 3 sem=1 tahun. setiap sem ada 6 subjek tpi cuma subjek teras mcm bio, chem, phy dan maths je masuk pointer.. yg lain tu sekadar hiasan untuk mengisi kredit hour. asasi pun ambil MUET tau.. wajib tu..ahaha

so..masuk ASASI SAINS UMS dulu pun, sy banyak juga persoalan yg bermain di minda.. nak bawa apa.. what to expect etc. sudah puas sy google pasal asasi ni tapi x bagi info yg sy mau.. so for future intake.. TAKE NOTE!

Library UMS
time dapat offer tu, mesti banyak benda dia suruh bawa kan? bawa yg perlu je. x guna pun smua benda2 yg dia suruh bawa tu.. basic need itu penting! bawalah stok makanan banyak2 ye. nanti malam dan breakfast kelaparan.. nahh.. kafe tu memang ada.. but trust me, makanan sni mahal gila. sekali breakfast rm8 melayang!! baju nak jalan2 takpayah lah banyak sangat.. most of the time pun korang pegi kuliah pakai formal atau tradisional.. mesti pakai kasut atau sneakers. bagi perempuan, flats boleh. asal kan bertutup. sandal, selipar dan seumpama dgn nya tu tak boleh sama sekali.

kalau bab  jalan-jalan cari angin tu, ikut korang je. takde yg nak halang korang keluar. bebas keluar UMS, yg penting tak ponteng class, tutorial dan lab. take note, the biggest mall in East Malaysia tu walking distance dari UMS ye. tapi kalau puteri lilin, tak nak jalan, jangan risau. Grab & UBER ada. dgn rate rm 5-8 (ikut peak hour atau tak). Teksi takyah ambi. Sis dah pernah kena RM40 per trip dari mall tu balik UMS. Bas keluar masuk UMS pun ada setiap 10-20 minit. so kalau dompet musim kemarau, boleh naik bas. Ada yg free (bus kolej UMS) dan ada yg berbayar. RM1 je pun klu naik bas.
kalau naik bas free, konfem disardinkan.. hahaha


kalau dah masuk tu, kena attend minggu orentasi. tapi serius, orentasi UMS memmaaanggggg BEST!! tak stress langsung. di beri layanan special. siap makanan tu.. pergh.. mcm kena sumbat je.. kenyang overload! so future intake, jgn berani nak eskep apa2 program yg dianjurkan tanpa surat sebab ye.. mereka ni sangaattt strict. kehadiran itu sangat penting.. kalau x hadir sekali je kuliah, kena warning.. kalau tak hadir TUTORIAL, kena REPEAT next year.. so masuk asasi UMS ni, rajinkanlah diri anda..

kalau kawan dari semenanjung dan sarawak ni mesti fikir kan takut nanti xda kawan? mana ada.. banyyaakk student dari negeri lain dekat sini tau.. roomate sy pun 2 org dari semenanjung.. jgn lah risau sangat part nak berkawan tu eh... pandai lah kwn tu datang sendiri..
pemandangan dari canselori
satu lagi, kalau datang tu, pastikan poket tu full dan loaded. memang semua student dapat biasiswa. tapi, biasiswa masuk 5 bulan lepas daftar masuk UMS! mmg sem 1 smua miskin papa kedana. mcm nak makan je rumput tu sbb x mampu beli makanan..

soalan femes ni konfem pasal hostel.. hostel pelajar asasi sangat selesa.. setiap floor ada bilik mandi dan tandas.. memang tak berebut punya lahh kalau nak mandi.. nak mandi 10 jam pun boleh. power supply, kipas meja belajar dan cupboard semua lengkap dan sangat elok. tpi x boleh masak ye dlm hostel sebab ada smoke detector.. masak air tu boleh lah. kes kecurian tu mmg normal lah.. so far barang yg femes dicuri ialah selipar.. hahahhaahh

dalam buku peraturan dia ckp x boleh bawa kereta kan? sebenarnya boleh.. cuma kena pandai parking sebab parking hanya untuk pelajar degree, master, Ph.D dan staff. so pelajar asasi parking selalunya tepi2 jalan raya.. kalau bertuah, tidak lah kena saman.. ahahhaa

pakaian kuliah utk gegurl2 ialah traditional dan formal tetapi di longgarkan memakai jubah dan blouse. pakai jeans tak boleh.. staff akan suruh korang balik tukar seluar.. kalau nak juga bergaya, pakai seluar jeans hitam(tak lah kantoi sangat kan).. jgn pakai biru tu.. bagi lelaki, memang formal  habis. kalau masa pakai baju formal tu, mesti bawa necktie.. kalau x, uols xkan kena bagi masuk kelas. pemakaian student asasi sngt strict berbanding student yg lain..ini adalah untuk membezakan student asasi dgn student senior..kad matrik kena sangkut kat leher bila masuk lecture, tutorial dan lab. buku pula memang disediakan. tapi bayar pakai voucher buku. so takyah risau pasal belanja buku.

jadual asasi? sangat padat. setiap hari, kelas pada waktu pagi, tengah hari lab dan  petang tutorial. malam tu konfem tak tido buat assgment dan report. setiap hari mcm tu. weekend 2 hari tu rasa mcm 1 jam je. so kena lah rajin kan  diri.
lecturer pon taknak ketinggalan pasal world cup ni

kesimpulannya, hidup asasi UMS memang  best! kalau ada soalan, silalah komen yaa.. jgn malu2..

UPDATE (2018)
1. Yuran : pelajar asasi akan menerima biasiswa yg cover yuran asasi, yuran hostel dan bagi elaun setiap sem. so masa mendaftar (masa sy dulu)  duit utk yuran tak perlu bawa. tapi, sila contact Pusat Persedian Sains dan Teknologi UMS untuk maklumat lebih. sebab sy pun tak sure

2. Hostel : Fasiliti hostel baik, tandas pun ok. Cuma tak boleh masak dalam hostel. Kalau nak jadi ninja bawa rice cooker, tu atas risiko sendiri. Wifi pun ada di setiap blok hostel. 

3. Internet : Celcom, Maxis, Digi dan Webe smua ok dan coverage ok.

4. Buku : Buku teks akan dibeli menggunakkan voucher buku. lecture note juga akan di beri (ikut lecturer)

5. Transport : Ada kereta sewa, GRAB & UBER serta bas UMS.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Aura White Review

This review is based on my own experience. NO ONE is involved in paying me for this review.


I recently bought a jar of Aurawhite. It has been a hit product throughout Malaysia. So I decided to try it myself.

The reason why I bought Aurawhite is to, of course, get that beautiful, flawless fair skin. Mine is oily, altho not too dark, but it is still darker compared to the average Sabahan girls (I got tanned due to excessive field training). Because my skin is oily, my face is full of acne and pimple and also scars(because i pop my pimple)

I am 17 years old but I do not think that there is any age limit. But I'm guessing children is not advised to take this product (lol)

I got my Aurawhite at local beauty store for RM120 (USD 36.44) and if you want to buy it, you can search for online Aurawhite seller on Google, and if you are outside from Malaysia, you can negotiate with the seller to arrange an international shipment, of course, you will be paying for the shipment fees.

First of all, the price is for me is affordable since it is a supply for a month (depends on how many you take everyday)

Now, the goodness of Aurawhite (as told on the internet) are:
1. Fairer skin in 2 weeks
2. Stronger bones and joints
3. Improve metabolism
4. Healthier hair
5. Slows aging
6. Better skin complexion
7. Reduces acne
8. Fades scars

Aurawhite with free shakers and face serum

I have been using Aurawhite for 18 days now. And I still got 1/3 left in the jar. What I can say is, the healthier hair is true. I have been suffering from excessive hair loss (its in my blood, there's nothing I can do about it) for years now. But after only 2 days of consuming this product, numbers of hair plucked out when I comb my hair is decreasing, from I don't know because there is too many, to one or two strands of hair. After 2 weeks, my hair is getting stronger and it is actually grows faster! I bleached my hair a week ago, and I can see a cm of black hair growing, just in one week.

Now, as for bones, I sprained my ankle and my knee before (I play rugby. What do you expect). The joint pain is still there because I broke it earlier this year. After 2 weeks, I can say that, the pain is getting okay although I still feel slight pain sometimes, but it is better than before.

Moving on to skin. As I mention earlier, I have oily, not too dark and pimpled skin. After two weeks, I can't really say that there is any changes in my skin tone. But it felt less oily, for sure. Even during my period (where I will have LOTS of acne), only few showed up! One of my friends told me that my face skin is gettin smoother and fairer tho. My aunty also told me that my hands are getting fairer. I can't really judge it myself. So I'll give my pictures so you can judge yourself,

 So my conclusion would be, BUY IT! Do not hesitate!